Our Posture
We aim to work with churches, organizations and leaders to make multiplying disciples that are marked by freedom from darkness and accompanied by healing, continual renewal and empowerment in the Holy Spirit. When Jesus walked the earth he brought dignity and acceptance to people who felt broken and were on the margins. In everything we do, we aim to create environments where people feel safe, that are free of manipulation and coercion, and where honour and dignity is given and upheld. We do not aim to nullify the role of health and mental wellness professionals; indeed it is not uncommon for us to work in partnership with these needed people. As equippers, we aim to develop capacity, rather than ongoing dependancy.

Holy Spirit Encounter Weekends
HSE weekends are opportunities for people to come to a better biblical and practical understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Topics typically include: living with expectancy, hearing the voice of Jesus, removing roadblocks in our lives, living in the empowerment of Jesus, walking in the filling of the Spirit, etc.
Free & Empowered Seminars
Free and empowered. This is Jesus’ intent for each of his children. Free from all that holds us down and holds us back in following him. Empowered to partner with the Holy Spirit in seeing God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Building upon leading dozens of Soul Care Conferences, let Doug and Teri lead you in this similar journey. How is it similar? Many of the same topics are covered, i.e., repentance, forgiveness, wounds, healing, deliverance, etc. Additionally, the Free & Empowered Seminar frames these dynamics as part of your journey as a follower of Jesus and one who makes disciples of others, walking deeply in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Each topic contains a “toolbox” section with the aim of equipping you to not only experience personal transformation but also to be a helpful catalyst in the lives of others.
Divine Healing Seminars
Christ-followers have been given Jesus' authority to extend blessing to others, including that of healing. This seminar addresses the model of Jesus to follow, operating in his authority and grace, practical modelling, developing church prayer ministries, etc.
Deliverance Training Seminars
Deliverance training seminars are more focused than what the Free & Empowered Seminars have time for. This is a deeper dive aimed at training local churches to have well developed teams that can help people walk into the greater light and freedom Jesus has for them.
Team / Leader Training
We work with church leadership teams, helping craft customized development strategies to build intrinsic strength in areas of spiritual renewal, healing, deliverance, and discernment of spirits.